Who and What Motivates you? Guest Blogger Mary and Whole Journey

My name is Mary, I’m 26 years old and a Mom and Wife. 

 I have two boys, ages 6 and 5. Twin girls, about to turn 2 in one month. They keep me busy and motivated! I’m married to the a wonderful man, and he too keeps me motivated in whatever I aspire to do.  My children and Husband are my motivation. They are my “Why” and that’s how currently, I am living my best life. 

 My passion is Healthy Living. I have struggled with weight issues most of my entire life. Beginning, at the very young age of 5. So, from that I’m sure you can imagine why my passion and motivation would be focused on Healthy Living. :) 

 I am a Weight Watchers Member and have been since December 2017. I’ve lost 15 pounds on the program. I currently am doing my first Whole 30 journey alongside of tracking with Weight Watchers Freestyle Points. I have to tell you I feel AMAZING! 

 I love creating new recipes by trial and error, as well as following recipes from Pinterest, cookbooks, and my VERY favorite... BLOGS! Most of what you see on my Instagram is created by me, and if I try a new recipe I will tag the person who created it. :) 

 As for motivation, I want to challenge each viewer whether you’re struggling with health, or simply just needing a motivation for the day.. ALWAYS take a few moments out of the day for YOU and that alone can be motivating. My second idea is, find a hobby that’s motivating.  My go to is planning. I’m a planner addict. If I want to get motivated, I simply add or do something in my planner and that motivates me to see it accomplished. :) Thirdly, Exercise. Any type! Even if it’s for 5-10 minutes. It gets the blood flowing, and wakes you up. Again, it IS motivating  

Go and be MOTIVATED! 


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