A Tale of Two Tops

I love this "Goddess Print!"  I bought two others from this series with the jeweled collars. I personally
can't go out without a necklace, but you really don't need one with this outfit.  It was originally $48, but I got it for
under $24 at Younker's, a Bon Ton Dept. store currently holding going out of business sales.  The other two, a leopard print and Chinese Opera mask print, cost under $15.

The Red T-shirt and infinity scarf were a birthday gift from my friend Kim G.  The tiny
polka dot shirt is a no-iron fabric, but didn't cost as much as a similar shirt
by Foxcraft.  This was Younker's find of about 12 years ago, around $13. Both tops
look great with denim skirts or black velvet skirts or jeans and khakis.  Add a jacket, and it's an all
year look.


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